Here's today's recipe, a recipe that make every Bangali drool ... Fish Butter Fry...easy to make and makes
a great starter, or you can also have it with the favorite bhaat and muger daal, as i mentioned i like experimenting with my dishes and i tried a slightly tweaked version of it today and it came out Fab !! a must try for all.... n trust me u will be glad...
Fish (preferably Bhetki)- 150 gms cut in small pieces
Potato - 1 (boiled, peeled and mashed)
Chopped onion - 3 teaspoon
Cumin / Jeera - 1/4 teaspoon
Green Chillies - 2
Coriander - 10grams
Ginger paste - 1 teaspoon
Tamarind pulp - 1 teaspoon
Garlic - 1 1/2 teaspoon
Egg - 1
Milk - 3 teaspoon
Cornflour- 5 tablespoon
Salt - To taste
Baking powder - Optional
White flour - 3 teaspoon
Oil - For deep frying
Process :-
Grind the garlic,ginger, tamarind, 1 green chilly and coriander to a fine paste. Add a bit of salt to it and marinate the fish for approx 15 mins.
Heat a pan and add 3 teaspoon of oil to it, add the cumin seeds.If the oil heated adequately the cumin seeds will splutter, after that add the chopped onions and sauté the onions for 2 mins. Add the mashed potato and again sauté it for another 4-5 mins. Make sure you stir it continuously to avoid burning. Take it off the flame and allow it to cool.
Microwave the marinated fish on 900Watts or high for 5 mins. If you do not wish to use a microwave, you can also steam the fishes for about 10 mins till they become soft and the thorns can be taken out easily. Mash the fish with the potato,and add some salt and chopped chillies make sure you remove the thorns completely. Give the mixture which ever shape you like, you can make small oval/ square or even a rectangular shaped cutlets. Dust a bit of white flour on both sides of the cutlet and keep it aside on a clean, dry plate.
In a bowl mix the cornflour, a bit of salt, egg and the milk and keep beating it till it reaches and uniform consistency. Heat the frying pan and add the rest of the oil for deep frying. Once the oil is heated to a medium degree, dip the cutlet in the batter and coat it nicely on both sides and deep fry it for about 10 mins till both the sides become golden brown. Make sure you do fry the fish on a medium flame so that it gets cooked from within and also becomes crunchier...
Take it off the oil and put in on an absorbent paper. As i said it works wonders as a starter and also goes too well with our good old "Daal Bhaat". Serve it Hot and Crispy and share it with SOMEONE YOU LOVE !!!
i really wld like to try this ...but u know we don't get bhetki here :( ... can this be done with rohu ?